[翻译]Translation Job for gthboy@CCF

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[翻译]Translation Job for gthboy@CCF

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1、New technologies rarely change the world overnight, the tipping point is hard to predict. That’s why investing in tech startups is such a high-risk gamble. When does a technology become ‘real’?

2、The scientists who invented it could never have imagined that, 50 years later, the laser would be a critical component in optical networking, surgical procedures, home stereos, and missile defense. As yogi Berra reportedly put it, the hardest thing to predict is the future.
作为发明者的科学家们可能从来也未曾想象过,50年之后,激光会成为一个至关重要的组成部分,被应用于光网络、手术治疗、家庭音响以及导弹防御系统。如约吉.贝拉(Yogi Berra,美国棒球运动员)公开所言,最难以预测的即是未来。

3、This, more than anything, informed our approach to selecting the year’s most important new technologies.

4、The basic idea behind antiangiogenesis is simple: To stop a tumor, you must starve it to death.

5、Market size, 2003: Not applicable
Market size, 2009: $ 10 billion (projected)
Companies to watch: Aeterna Laboratories, Celgene, Genentech, Novartis
受关注的公司:Aeterna Laboratories, Celgene, Genentech, Novartis

6、A tad too large to qualify nanotechnology, but still as tiny as a speak of dust, MEMS are making a big splash.
微机电系统MEMS(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems)正引起大众的注意,虽然它对于纳米技术显得有些过泛,但(在整个科技领域中)仍然如微尘渺小。

7、During the war in Iraq, medics ware equipped with a new alternative: hemorrhage-control bandages made by Hemcon, and Oregon-based startup.

8、Ushering in the future of computing. 16 billion gigabytes at a time

9、The new chips can juggle far more data than today’s 32-bit systems – as much as 16 billion gigabytes of data at a time.

10、Tale is cheap when calls are routed over the Web

11、Yet thanks to new data compression and prioritization software, VOIP quality now rivals that of traditional circuit-switched calls-for little as a 10th of the cost.
依于新的数据压缩及优先处理技术的软件,VOIP(Voice Over Internet Protocol)通讯音质目前可与传统型电路交换机(即普通电话)匹敌——而成本仅及后者的十分之一。

12、And they’re not clear-cut, runaway successes-in fact, some have yet to make anyone a dime
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