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义犬救主负伤 主人脸书PO文求祷告

Post by aRNoLD »

Golden retriever bitten by rattlesnake protecting owner while on hike
July 1, 2018, 9:55 PM

Dogs have done some incredible things for their owners, protecting them from thieves, house fires and much more. But, this golden retriever might be the most heroic pup yet.

Paula Godwin treated her golden retriever Todd to a hike Friday morning in Anthem, Arizona. It was a normal walk until Godwin almost stepped on a rattlesnake lurking on the trail, CBS affiliate KPHO-TV reported. Thankfully, Godwin had a guardian angel in Todd.

He leaped in between his owner and the snake that was about to strike. Todd ended up suffering a serious bite on his snout. Godwin rushed Todd to a local animal hospital where he was treated for the bite.

Godwin recounted the attack on Facebook, writing: "It was a beautiful morning but as we were walking down the hill I literally almost stepped on a mf rattlesnake. But my hero of a puppy Todd saved me. He jumped right in front of my leg were I surely would have got bit. This is what a hero looks like. Please say a little prayer for my sweet hero," she said.

Godwin provided an update to the pup's condition Sunday, saying her pet is healing from the attack.

She also thanked concerned followers, writing, "Your kindness and support is truly a blessing."

source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/golden-retriever-bitten-by-rattlesnake-protecting-owner-during-hike-arizona/

golden retriever: 金毛寻回犬
pup: 小狗
lurking on the trail: 文中指响尾蛇伏在路边未引起主人公的注意;trail指小径
strike: (响尾蛇的)攻击
end up suffering: end up doing的意思是最终以……为结局,此处意为小狗Todd为救主人而最终被蛇咬伤鼻部
snout: 犬类的鼻口部位
rush: 紧急送冶
treat: 文中有两处treat,前一处意指主人外出溜狗,后一处指送至医院治疗。
to provide (someone) with something pleasant or amusing — + to
At the end of the concert, the band treated their fans to a new song.
He jumped right in front of my leg were I surely would have got bit
follower: 脸书用户的粉丝
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