China’s Official News Media Sharply Criticize Trump

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China’s Official News Media Sharply Criticize Trump

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China’s Official News Media Sharply Criticize Trump


SHANGHAI — The newspaper that serves as the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party had four words to describe the Trump administration on Saturday: rude, unreasonable, selfish and headstrong.


Other propaganda channels in China had similarly harsh words for the United States’ decision to impose tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese goods. The move brought an immediate response from Beijing, which said it would impose its own tariffs.


While the topic of a looming trade war did not trend on Chinese social media on Saturday, China’s closely controlled state media featured a number of broadsides against the United States. The articles sought to portray China as a leader in free trade, and at times singled out the Trump administration, specifically, for what they denounced as its capricious and confrontational trade stance.


The Trump administration, along with a host of international industry groups, has complained about China’s many trade restrictions that close the country’s huge market to overseas businesses while bolstering its domestic industries.


With Chinese politicians studiously dull and the country’s statecraft closely stage-managed, salvos from the state-controlled news media — which President George H.W. Bush, a former United States ambassador to China, called cannons of rhetoric — offer a more direct, and inflammatory, guide to the thinking of the Beijing government.


Below is a sampling of the responses.


‘Capricious Behavior Has Become the Norm’


From an editorial in The People’s Daily, seen as an especially close reflection of official opinion:


• “From the time of its first trade provocations until now, capricious behavior has become the norm from America. It not only wears away and squanders the country’s reputation, but it also allows China to see more clearly the face of the Trump administration, one that is rude, unreasonable, selfish and headstrong.”

• “自从挑起贸易争端至今,美方的反复无常已成为‘常态’,不仅损耗和挥霍了自己的国家信誉,也让中国进一步认清了特朗普政府蛮横无理、自私任性的面目。”

• “As a leading developed nation, the United States should be an upholder of the multilateral trade system, allowing everyone to benefit from economic development and globalization. However, ‘America first’ is becoming America on its own. The Trump administration obstinately persists in playing the inglorious role of global economic agitator. Recently, America is brandishing the trade war big stick, smacking other countries at will. Former allies like the European Union, Canada, Mexico have become sacrifices to trade protectionism. This exposes the Trump administration’s outmoded views on globalization and trade liberalization. In the eyes of America, the rules of international trade are like a gorgeous coat. When needed, they wear it, when not required, they cast it off and run naked.”

• “作为头号发达国家,美国本应成为多边贸易体系的共同捍卫者,让大家一起受益于经济发展和全球化进程。然而,“美国优先”正在变成美国独行,特朗普政府执迷不悟扮演起全球经济搅局者的不光彩角色。近期,美国挥舞着贸易战的大棒,随意砸向其他国家,欧盟、加拿大、墨西哥这些昔日盟友先后成为贸易保护主义的牺牲品,充分暴露出特朗普政府对去全球化和反对贸易自由化的抱残守缺。在美国眼里,国际贸易规则就是华丽的外衣,需要时拿来穿穿,不需要时就脱下裸奔。”

‘No Country Can Lightly Build Fences’


From a commentary published by the Xinhua news agency:


• “The wise build bridges and the foolish build walls. With economic globalization there are no secluded and isolated islands. No country can lightly build fences to stop the tides of history.”

• “智者筑桥,愚者筑墙。在经济全球化的今天,没有与世隔绝的孤岛,没有哪个国家愿轻易自筑藩篱,逆历史潮流而动。”

• “With the adjustment of the structure of the global economy and trade, the international competitiveness of the United States has decreased. Promoting unilateralism and trade protectionism has become a leading move for its ‘America first’ strategy. Under this situation, it’s inevitable that China and the United States have frictions in the economic and trade realm, and it will be the new normal for the two countries to move back and forth between negotiation and conflict in an ever-changing way. But this doesn’t mean that one side can perfidiously initiate a trade war.”

• “随着国际经贸格局的调整,美国在全球的竞争力有所下降,推行单边主义和贸易保护主义成为其实施“美国优先”战略的先手棋。在此背景下,中美经贸难免出现摩擦,充满变数地谈谈打打也会成为常态,但这并不意味着一方可以背信弃义、一意孤行地发动贸易战。”

‘China Will Have to Fight Back’


• “China doesn’t want to fight a trade war, but in the face of the shortsighted actions of the United States, which do good for no one, China will have to fight back with strength and power, and will firmly defend the economic globalization and the multilateral mechanisms of international trade.”

• “中方并不想打贸易战,但面对美方损人不利己的短视行为,中方不得不予以强有力回击,坚决捍卫国家利益和人民利益,坚决捍卫经济全球化和多边贸易体制。”

‘Childish Tactics’


From The Global Times, a tabloid known for taking hawkish positions, quoting Mei Xinyu, a research fellow at the government-affiliated Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation:


• “Trump’s childish tactics might work with some smaller countries, but it would definitely not work with China.”

• “特朗普的幼稚策略可能对一些较小的国家管用,但绝对不会对中国奏效。”

• “Trump has basically started a trade war with just about every major economy, including the E.U.”

• “特朗普基本上已经开始了一场与几乎所有主要经济体的贸易战,包括欧盟。”

孟宝勒(Paul Mozur)是《纽约时报》驻上海记者。

Carolyn Zhang对本文有报道贡献。

翻译:Cindy Hao

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