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Post by aRNoLD »

Hong Kong Closes World Cup Loophole
June 14, 2010, 9:57 PM HKT
For the first time, soccer fans in the U.S. can watch every single World Cup match. Such is the norm in Europe, and in mainland China.

Football crazy Hong Kongers who live in buildings with satellite antennae might’ve tuned in to mainland China’s CCTV, but now that loophole is being sewn up.

In Hong Kong, the subscription service i-Cable won the legal rights to show every match. For those who don’t subscribe to i-Cable, the only local viewing option was a pair of free stations that will air two semifinal games and the final (they also showed the opening game on Friday). Even North Korea has made it easier to watch the World Cup: its state broadcaster has aired footage from three games so far, though not surprisingly it skipped the South Korea and U.S. games. (South Korea’s SBS TV, which has refused to share its feed with the North as it did in 2006, called the latest broadcasts an “act of piracy.”)

So many Hong Kong residents were left with CCTV. But, according to the Associated Press, the Hong Kong government said it asked local buildings with satellite antennae last week to block out CCTV’s World Cup coverage, warning that violators “may attract civil liability” for copyright infringement.

Foiled again! So what choices are left for Hong Kongers? You can overcome your social anxiety and head to your favorite sports bar, rent a karaoke room at Neway, take your beach chair to the mall, or–not that we recommend it–search for a grainy feed online. At least you’ll be able to hear the vuvuzelas.

–Emily Veach
source: https://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2010/06/14/hong-kong-closes-world-cup-loophole/

in mainland China: 另一种正规的表达方式为on the mainland of China
sewn up:(漏洞)被阻止
footage: (转播)片段
feed: TV/RADIO/COMPUTER when a television or radio signal, computer information etc is sent somewhere, or the connection that is used to do this. 此处指南韩未象2006年那样与北韩共享转播数据
may attract civil liability: attract此处指招致、导致。香港政府要求安装了卫星天线的当地(机构)建筑屏蔽央视世界杯赛的转播信号,以避免版权方面的民事责任。
grainy feed online: grainy原指物体的颗粒状,如照片等,此处意指通过在线视频观看不到高清的世界杯赛,只能看到低分辨率的赛事。
vuvuzela: 南非足球迷用于助威的大喇叭
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