[Video]US trade with China, explained

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[Video]US trade with China, explained

Post by aRNoLD »

US trade with China, explained
President Trump is imposing tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese imports to the US, heightening fears about a trade war between the world's two biggest economies. CNNMoney's Vanessa Yurkevich explains what your life could look like if Chinese products get more expensive.
Source: CNNMoney
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People are freaking out(极度兴奋;疯了;吓坏了) about a trade war with China. But why? Well, the US imports more products from China than any other country in the world, five hundred and five billion dollars worth of goods in 2017, while only sending a hundred and thirty billion dollars worth of products to China. This creates a gap of three hundred and seventy five billion dollars, a large part of trade deficit with China.

In the time I've been talking, did you notice all the products in the room that are made in China have disappeared? Now a trade war with China doesn't mean we'd stop importing these Chinese goods, but it does go to show just how much we depend on them. Let's rewind, in case you missed it.

For example, this TV. The US imports a hundred and forty six billion dollars worth of electrical machinery and equipment, the most of anything we import from China. This includes remotes(遥控器), laptops(笔记本电脑), and cell phones(移动电话). Also sneakers(运动鞋), we import one point four billion worth a year. And these umbrellas, the US imported one hundred and thirteen million dollars worth in 2017. And China happens to be the world's largest supplier of umbrellas. And the list goes on.

One thing we export a lot of is playing cards, but the card stock(制卡片的纸料) we print on is from, you guessed it, China. There's no tariff(关税), but we still spent a hundred and twenty million dollars import card stock last year. So while these products aren't going anywhere, they could have steep tariffs on them, which means our lives could get a little more expensive.
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Re: [Video]US trade with China, explained

Post by aRNoLD »

有关中美自本世纪初中国大陆加入WTO后在贸易方面所引发的观点与认知,除阅读相关中文文献资料外,还可了解美国贸易相关政策制定者、主流商业媒体(CNN Money)、从业人员(Gary Hartman)的视角,如以下美国领导人川普总统六月下旬的南加州集会演讲。该演讲中提及多项事例,如中美汽车贸易领域中国征收十倍于美国的关税、美国对中国经济建设的帮助、川普对自由贸易和公平贸易的看法等。

Trump: We’re almost twice the size of China’s economy
Jun. 25, 2018 - 2:22 - President Donald Trump discusses China’s unfair trade practices and how the Chinese have taken advantage of the U.S.




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Update@Jan. 17, 2020
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