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Post by aRNoLD »

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Five ways to make your resume stand out</span>

Story Highlights
  • With 12.5 million unemployed, you must work harder to get your resume seen
  • Employers receive 75 applications on average for each open position
  • Tracking systems are becoming increasingly popular so incorporate key words
  • Include a career summary at the top of your resume</li>
<a href='http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/worklife ... index.html' target='_blank'>http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/worklife ... ex.html</a>
By Jason Ferrara
CareerBuilder.com vice president

With a record 12.5 million people unemployed in today's labor market, it's apparent that now, more than ever before, the people looking for employment must work even harder to ensure that they stand out to employers through their applications.

Nearly 25 percent of human resource managers said on average, they receive more than 75 résumés for each open position and 42 percent receive more than 50 résumés per position, according to a nationwide survey released in March 2009 by CareerBuilder.com.

The majority of these managers say that at least half of those résumés are from unqualified candidates.

With that type of pressure and competition, the question becomes, how will you stand out among the masses? The answer is simple: through your résumé.

If crafted effectively, your résumé is perhaps the most valuable marketing tool you've got. After all, in a matter of seconds, its contents can make or break your chances of landing an interview.

Thirty-eight percent of human resource managers say they spend one to two minutes reviewing a new application, while 17 percent spend less than one minute, according to the survey.

Now that you know you have approximately 60 seconds to impress an employer, you better make sure that your résumé is the best possible representation of you and your achievements.

全文的重点是:<ol type='I'>[*](美国)当前超过一千万人士失业,因此求职者必须让自己的简历脱颖而出(get your resume seen),with在这里可解释为原因,即相当于because of</li>[*]每个岗位平均有75个人竞争,on average指平均,open position此处指开放的职位,即对求职者开放招聘</li>[*]追踪系统(本文由美国careerbuilder.com公司提供,此追踪系统应指求职网站等对信息做的收集,类似谷歌等搜索引擎)的使用日益流行,因此建议简历写作时采用关键词(incorporate key words)</li>[*]简历开头要附上简要介绍(summary)</li></ol>
stand out
字面的释义就是站出来,如今年春节晚会小品某段一样,保安站出来,就“脱颖而出”了,此处即说在经济不景气时期,失业人数增多,求职者必须更努力才可能使自己的求职简历在众多竞争者中被雇主相中(to employers)。

quality意为质量,un-qualified意为不合格。对多位人力资源专业人士的调查表明,大多数呈交的简历来自那些不合格的申请者(candidates)。行文至此,读者自然的被引至一个显见的结论:既然合格的申请人实际并不多,而提交申请的人很多(among the masses),那么成功获得一份工作的关键就在于写好简历。

landing an interview
作者认为,经过精心雕琢的个人简历是求职者最宝贵的推销自己的工具(most valuable marketing tool),如果简历写作的到位与否将关系到(make or break)能否进入到面试(interview)环节,也即通过简历筛选的一关。此中原因其实很简单,人力资源部门负责人可能只会花一到两分钟时间来看呈交来的简历,甚至17%的经理可能还不到一分钟(less than one minute)。

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Post by aRNoLD »

Here are five tips to help you produce an effective résumé:

1. Include a career summary at the top of your résumé
You only have a matter of seconds -- a minute if you're lucky -- to impress a human resource or hiring manager with your résumé. Don't make them search for the important material. By including a career summary at the top, it will give managers an immediate snapshot of your skills and accomplishments.

2. Keep it up to date
No matter the state of the economy, you should always have a recent résumé and portfolio on hand. Fifty percent of the 8,038 employees surveyed by CareerBuilder.com said their résumés aren't up to date.

Any time your responsibilities increase or you accomplish something significant, update your résumé with that information. You never know when you'll need to produce a current résumé.

3. Incorporate keywords
Tracking systems are becoming increasingly popular to screen and weed out unqualified candidates. In fact, 51 percent of human resource managers report using them in the hiring process.

To avoid the discard pile, integrate keywords from the job posting into your résumé. Doing so will heighten your chances of showing up near the top of the employer's ranking of the most relevant candidates.

4. Use a functional résumé
Almost every major industry is experiencing mass layoffs, with the exception of a couple. That being said, many job seekers are looking for work in new industries and professions where they might not have much experience.

Listing your experience by skill categories rather than chronologically shows employers the proficiencies you possess rather than those you lack.

5. Include all relevant experience
Whether you're expanding your job search to a new industry or you're a new college graduate, you might not have the necessary experience to land that job you want.

Make sure you're including all pertinent experience on your résumé. Volunteer work, leadership roles or community involvement are all areas most employers consider to be relevant experience.

Now what?

Now that you've incorporated these five tips into your résumé, the worst thing you can do is send a generic copy out to the masses while you sit on your couch and pray for a response.

Be proactive with your résumé and take advantage of the tools available to you. On job boards like CareerBuilder.com, for example, you can use resources like cbResume, cbResumeDirect and Resume Upgrade, all of which can increase your visibility to employers.

Additionally, you should utilize social networking sites to host your application materials, as well as target your résumé to the company where you're applying.

Taking advantage of all the resources at your disposal will help ensure that your résumé stands out among the masses.


1. 言简意赅总结自己职业生涯中的精华部分,并置于最前——招聘经理是没功夫仔细找你的优点的
2. 简历内容和细节要随时更新,别到了找工作之前再去撰写,哪怕昨天斩六将,今天清早的简历上就要标明“过五关、斩六将”
3. 嵌入关键词,很多招聘者会使用类似搜索引擎的机制(如追踪系统)寻找筛选潜在员工,恰到好处的关键词令你入选的可能性大增
4. 按工作性质、职能来进行分类。通常的简历是按时间顺序撰写的,但是有些情况下,求职者会跨行业选择新工作,对他们不利的因素便是“从业经验”,因此按工作性质、职能展现自己的能力有利于未来的雇主更好的了解自己
5. 列出所有相关经历,对于新入行或是应届生来说,缺乏必要的行业经验是成功求职的拦路虎,因此列出诸如志愿者工作经历、团队领导经历或者是社区服务经历都可能受到未来雇主的关注

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