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Post by aRNoLD »

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>China’s President Makes a Sartorial Statement at Naval Parade</span>
* April 24, 2009, 6:11 AM ET
source: <a href=' ... al-parade/' target='_blank'> ... parade/</a>

In case China’s military bombast has been getting a bit hard to take this week, with the 60th birthday celebrations of China’s Navy and all, consider President Hu Jintao’s choice of attire at yesterday’s grand naval parade at the northeastern port of Qingdao.

Hu broke with tradition by wearing a western-style business suit and tie instead of the customary drab green Mao-style military suit.

Although Hu has not served in China’s military or hold a rank, his position as chairman of the powerful Central Military Commission makes him commander in chief of China’s armed forces, and he has been known in the past to wear a plain green military uniform (without badges or insignia) to highlight his role as supreme commander when attending military events, the South China Morning Post reports. Hu’s predecessor Jiang Zemin also wore the green uniform on occasion, while previous leaders Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong favored it to a much higher degree.

Chinese media picked up on the change, with many commenters supporting his look as helping to “de-politicize” and “de-militarize” the event. Hu’s sartorial statement also meshed with his reassurances over China’s rising military might. He told U.S. and other foreign naval commanders that China would never threaten other nations or seek to be the dominant power in the region, the AP reports.

However, there was at least one nod to naval protocol in Hu’s outfit: The Chinese president wore a pair of white gloves with his suit.

–Sky Canaves

break with tradition/the past
to stop following old customs and do something in a completely different way



报导标题中使用了sartorial statement这个词,字面上解释为“与裁缝、男装有关的表述”,实指胡锦涛主席阅兵时着装向外界传达的信息,当然也可作一语双关理解。

sartorial statement, bombast, broke with, nod to
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