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Posted: April 6th, 2009, 5:30 am
by aRNoLD
<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>U.S. May Keep Losing Jobs After Unemployment Hit 25-Year High</span> I ... 8O8agGg9AY
By Bob Willis and Rich Miller

April 4 (<a href='' target='_blank'>Bloomberg</a>) -- The U.S. may suffer further job losses in the coming months after employers cut payrolls by 633,000 in March and the unemployment rate jumped to a 25-year high of 8.5 percent.

A host of companies -- from manufacturers such as Johnson Controls Inc. and Dana Holding Corp. to service providers like International Business Machines Corp. and even the U.S. Postal Service -- have announced plans to eliminate jobs in the face of depressed demand from their customers.

“We expect labor-market conditions to remain appalling for many months to come,” Joshua Shapiro, chief U.S. economist at Maria Fiorini Ramirez Inc. in New York, wrote in a client note following yesterday’s report from the Labor Department.

The risk is that a continued hemorrhaging of jobs triggers another round of spending cuts by consumers, pushing the economy deeper into a recession just as it is showing signs of steadying after plunging in the fourth quarter.

“We are not out of the woods yet,” Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn said in a speech in Wooster, Ohio, yesterday. He added that the central bank and administration of President Barack Obama must remain “flexible and open” to taking further measures to help the economy.

Stocks rose yesterday for a fourth day as Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said measures to unfreeze credit markets were working. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index climbed 8.1 points, or 1 percent, to close at 842.5. Treasuries fell on growing concern over the amount of borrowing needed to finance the budget deficit, pushing the yield on the 10-year note to 2.90 percent at yesterday’s close, up from 2.77 percent the previous day.

cut payrolls by
jump to a 25-year high of 8.5 percent
jump用于表达突升的快速和幅度,a 25-year high是指(失业率)跃升至25年以来的高点,为8.5个百分点

host of
host除了主人,还可指大量,此处表明(从制造业到服务业,即服务提供者)很多公司、企业面临顾客需求锐减而宣布裁员计划。eliminate的意思是排除不必要的事物,结合前面的announce和plan两个词,以及后面in the face of的短语,可理解文字背后表达出大量公司裁员的无奈和决心。


plunging into

out of the woods
意为尚未走出泥潭、未脱离危险(clear of danger or difficulty),此处称建议央行和奥巴马在采取措施方面要更灵活和开放,才能拯救美国经济。句中用了一个remain,保持、维持原有状态的意思,此处是希望奥巴马上任后不要对华尔街采取刺激行动,如课重税、罚款等,因此使用remain较为缓和。

stocks指股票市场,Standard & Poor's 500指标准普尔五百种股票指数,treasuries指美国国债,yield指(十年期)国债收益率。美联储主席伯克南称解救信用市场的措施已经生效,比如标准普尔指数上涨了一个百分点,但由于市场对于财政赤字的恐慌导致的对政府借贷之忧促使十年期国债收益率由前一天的2.77升至2.90。
有关债券价格的理解,另请参考<a href='! ... !337.entry' target='_blank'>银行利率对债券价格影响的又一解释</a>及<a href=' ... !361.entry' target='_blank'>How does interest rate affect the price of bonds?</a>