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Posted: April 4th, 2009, 4:26 pm
by aRNoLD
  TRADE VIEW-China hints at reduction in US dollar holdings-BoNY

Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:13pm EDT
By Steven C. Johnson

  NEW YORK, March 24 (Reuters) - A Chinese proposal to ditch the U.S. dollar for a global basket-based reserve currency suggests China plans a gradual reduction in future dollar accumulation but will not dump its existing stash of U.S. assets, strategists from the Bank of New York-Mellon said on Tuesday.
ditch - 沟、坑……就是论坛上常有人没事儿挖坑,好把人骗进去回贴嘛,所以大家要“摆脱”上这种低级趣味的当,这个ditch就是摆脱的意思了,它是说中国的周财主(周小川出的主意,他可不就是政府的“财主”么)建议大家伙儿搞个全球一揽子储备货币(比如说根据全球多少种主要货物来定个基准货币,这样就防止金融杠杆的负作用,并且可让第三世界国家进入跟老大们分帐的舞台),那背后的意思啊就是说中国要减持美元,不过不会一下就甩了你,要温水泡蛙……瞧人家纽约银行一分析师把大白话说出来了。

  China's central bank governor on Monday detailed a plan for the world to use the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Right, a currency basket comprising dollars, euros, sterling and yen, as a super-sovereign reserve currency.

  That came shortly after Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao urged the United States to maintain its creditworthiness and ensure the security of China's massive stash of U.S. Treasury assets.
  “China always says exactly what it means, and this was a very direct message to the U.S. that the appropriate level of dollar holdings in China's currency reserves should be lower,” said Simon Derrick, head of Bank of New York-Mellon's currency strategy team, at a press briefing on currency market outlook.

  Rather than suggesting a shift to the IMF's SDR, China may instead be signaling that it wants the dollar share of reserves to decline to about 44 percent, matching the currency's share in the SDR basket, Derrick said.
  The euro comprises 34 percent of the SDR basket, created in 1969, while sterling and the yen each account for 11 percent.
  Most analysts think the dollar now comprises at least 65 percent of China's nearly $2 trillion reserves. According to the IMF, that's roughly the dollar's share of reserves in countries that, unlike China, reveal the currency allocation.


  China is the largest holder of U.S. Treasury debt, making it the top U.S. creditor, and Derrick said it worries that huge U.S. fiscal spending aimed at lifting the economy out of crisis will cheapen the dollar and undermine the value of its assets.

  Prime Minister Wen, speaking earlier this month during the annual session of parliament in Beijing, said “we have lent a massive amount of capital to the United States, and of course we are concerned about the security of our assets.”

  What China won't do, Derrick said, is start dumping the Treasury debt it already holds, as that would undermine the value of its existing reserves and cause a rapid spike in the value of the yuan, undermining the economy.
这句就简单了,一个spike是指比率剧幅快速上升,undermine破坏,就是说中国如果抛掉储备的美元,结果就会使人民币升值(美国和欧洲已经在印钱,增加流通中的货币),损害中国经济。下文中的shooting in the foot是说朝自己的脚开枪,相当于搬石头砸自己的脚了。

  “China almost certainly won't tamper with its existing reserves, as they would be shooting themselves in the foot,” he said.But reduced Treasury purchases by China and other countries will eventually put pressure on the dollar, he said, because the United States' will have to rely more heavily on printing money to finance massive stimulus spending.

  The Federal Reserve said Tuesday it will begin doing just that on Wednesday when it starts buying Treasury debt.
  Michael Woolfolk, a senior currency strategist at the Bank of New York-Mellon, said that means the Obama administration must assert repeatedly its belief in a strong U.S. dollar.
  “They have to emphasize that, because that is the way to encourage investment and keep inflation low,” he said.
  The Bank of New York-Mellon has more than $20 trillion in assets under custody.


以上是路透社3月24日的一篇新闻稿(<a href='http://=' target='_blank'>= ... 0090324</a>),可对照路透社中文网站的对应新闻(<a href=' ... 25?sp=true' target='_blank'> ... sp=true</a>)参考其翻译。

BoNY - Bank of New York,纽约银行
dump - 愿意是抛弃、倾倒,路透中文使用的词是出脱、抛售
stash - 指藏着的金钱、武器等,这里包含了美方分析师的一种心态,认为中国国储信息不透明,包括在国际金融动作方面对美国有所隐瞒、不肯按照美国的意图输血