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Posted: May 14th, 2004, 6:54 am
by aRNoLD
Youtube video lecture:


NINA TAN, a women’s dress brand built by a group of new generation designers, is on sale exclusively via Yezi Apparel Corp. LTD., Shanghai on the mainland of China from 2004.

NINA TAN creates a brand-new concept of business casuals. It expresses serene beauty of oriental females as well as their inborn liveliness. The simple, natural and elegant outline, the high-quality fabrics, the superb cutting, exquisite tailoring and even the reasonable pricing are fit for fashionable women consumers.

NINA TAN’s philosophy is to develop the latest fashion for modern women.

Designing ideas

Every series of NINA TAN has its unique inspirations. Even every/a single line, an individual style or a nuance/shade of color conveys our designers’ insights.

NINA TAN is a perfect combination of rationalness and sensation. Every detail goes through strict and careful thinking and thus every suite of dress upon completion becomes in harmony with you.

NINA TAN pays due respect to individual’s feelings.

Target customers

NINA TAN is a world with no difference of ages or regions but with devotion to fashion, admiration to nature and persuit of high-grade of life.

Target market

NINA TAN, as a new competitor in this industry, will focus on mainland of China, with emphasis on middle and large cities.

Posted: May 14th, 2004, 6:54 am
by aRNoLD
NINA TAN是由一群新生代设计师合力打造的女装品牌。从2004年起由上海叶子服饰有限公司全权代理其在中国大陆地区的销售。

NINA TAN品牌所创导的是一种崭新的职业休闲装概念。她在表现东方女性庄重美的同时,更致力于表现女性的活泼开朗。简洁、自然、雅致的线条,高品质的面料,精湛的裁剪缝制工艺以及合理的价格体系非常适合于时尚的女性消费者。

NINA TAN的宗旨是演绎新女性的时尚。

NINA TAN每一个系列都有独特的灵感来源。每一道线条,每一个造型,每一丝色彩都传递着设计者对自然信息的诠释。

NINA TAN是理性和感性的完美结合。每一细部都经过严谨的推敲;作为整体,每一件衣服与人之间已经做到非常之融合。

NINA TAN尊重每一位着装者的切身感受。

在NINA TAN的世界里,没有年龄的界限,没有区域的划分,只有对时尚的热爱,对自然的崇尚以及对人生的品位。

NINA TAN刚刚进入市场,其主要目标是中国大陆,首推大中城市。

Posted: May 26th, 2004, 9:43 am
by aRNoLD
在翻譯時對公司名稱使用了拼音,但公司的注冊名是Leaves Finery....,很可惜的是今天看到了很漂亮的宣傳手冊,後頁中的公司名卻沿用了YeZi這個拼音的翻譯,在其它的一些諸如版面編排方面這家所委托的宣傳媒體代理看來做的並不嚴謹。


What is Business Casual?

There are numerous opinions regarding what type of clothing falls within the category of business casual. Some companies consider khaki pants and short-sleeved polo shirts as business casual. Other organizations require slacks or skirts and long-sleeved shirts when they refer to business casual. Although there is a wide range of definitions for business casual, there are also some general rules that apply:

Jeans, tennis shoes, tight or short skirts, t-shirts and sweatshirts are never considered business casual.
Business casual does not apply to grooming standards. Your appearance should remain neat and respectable. This includes nicely pressed clothing, polished shoes, and conservative accessories.
Business casual is defined by the geographic region, industry, and individual companies. The best way to determine a company's standard is to conduct research or ask a company's representative. As always, when in doubt, dress conservatively and lean more toward the business side rather the casual side.


Not expected to wear ties
Business or sports jacket is appropriate
Stylish, solid colored pants
Long-sleeved solid or striped dark shirt
Dark socks
Matching belt and shoes

Business skirt or pants
Conservative blouse or sweater
Blazer or vest is appropriate
Flat or low heels
Neutral hosiery
Belt, scarf, and accessories should remain understated