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Post by aRNoLD »

<span style='color:white'>刘 国 祥1 崔 一 屏2
(常熟理工学院 管理工程系,江苏 常熟 215500)</span>
摘 要:岸线开发的经济价值是畅通“物”的进出,即科学地规划和治理岸线,处理好沿江开发与岸线资源使用的关系,发挥长江航运能力,为江苏省经济可持续发展服务。为此,要作好在下工作:渠化岸线,建设港口,整治航道,遵守航运规则,保护两岸的生态环境。


这篇论文摘要中渠化岸线一词为作者长期从事研究后的最新成果,根据译者的理解,译为canalized line
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Joined: May 13th, 2004, 11:10 am

Post by aRNoLD »

Some Viewpoints on Exploitation and Improvement of 800-km Banks of Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province

The economic value of development of the shoreline lies in the easy accessibility of exchange of goods, which requires scientifically programming and controlling shoreline, balancing the waterfront development and resources utilization, and making full use of Yangtze River's navigation capability for a sustained economic development in Jiangsu. Thus it is required to canalize waterfront, construct ports, harness water channels, conform to the navigation rules, and protect waterfront ecological environment.

Key Words:
Yangtze River shoreline;economic value;canalized line

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