[Video]How to Best Prepare for a Marketing Job Interview?

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[Video]How to Best Prepare for a Marketing Job Interview?

Post by aRNoLD »


the main story paraphrased:

Camille (Feter) asks Liz (Shrum) how to best prepare for an interview because it's always said that it is very critical to prepare for that when the market is so competitive.

One of the questions that the job seeker is asked during the interview is that how do I (the interviewee) answer the weakness question, ie., how do I answer when a prospective HR manager asks me to tell him/her about the interviewee's biggest weaknesses.

Liz thinks that this weakness question is a great question, and people need to embrace the question because this is the opportunity to showcase the HR manager that the interviewee is very self-aware and is taking action to improve. Liz also believes that no HR manager will think that he/she will not hire the job-seeker just because of the job-seeker's weakness.

Liz further on gives an example on how she overcomes her weaknesses. One of her weaknesses is that she intends to struggle to say no. Liz would take on a lot of projects (for other people). She's always happy to help people who she's enjoying partnering with. Later on she realizes that she doesn't want to fall short on things because she doesn't say no, and thus takes on too many things. So Liz schedules her day and allocate her time accordingly. Before saying yes, she looks to see if she can fit that in. If she can make it, she will take it on. If not, she will let people know she doesn't have time, for example, in that week, or otherwise she'll be happy to help (maybe next Monday).

Liz says there are three items(issues) to think to prepare for the interview day.

1. to have your personal pitch ready: know who you are, what you stand for and what you've accomplished. to be able to state that in a concise way.
2. prepare your own questions to ask to show your interests in the company. prepare, say five strong questions, those strategic questions to show your interest, your intelligence
3. prepared to speak to your success. think of where you've made impact rather than only what you've done in terms of responsibilities.

prospective: someone who is likely to do a particular thing or achieve a particular position. prospective employee/candidate/buyer etc
embrace: (formal) to eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion etc
speak to sth.: to talk or write about something, especially something that needs discussing or dealing with
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