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Posted: November 9th, 2019, 3:10 am
by aRNoLD
Forbes reveals China’s 10 richest people

Published Wed, Nov 6 201911:12 PM EST / Updated Thu, Nov 7 201912:41 AM EST

Key Points
- Alibaba founder Jack Ma topped the Forbes China Rich List for the second year running with his fortune rising to $38.2 billion from $34.6 billion in 2018.
- More than half of those who made the list saw their wealth rise in the past year, while a quarter saw their fortunes decline, Forbes said.

Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group, topped the Forbes China Rich List for the second year running in 2019.

Ma, who stepped down as the Chinese tech giant’s chairman in September, saw(此处不解释为看见,而是见证、经历的意思) his fortune rise to $38.2 billion in 2019, from $34.6 billion in 2018.

“China’s economic growth may be easing but the country’s savvy entrepreneurs continue to find ways to create new businesses and fortunes,” said Russell Flannery, editor-in-chief of Forbes China. “Access to capital markets also notably helped.”

The Chinese economy has been facing some headwinds(字面义为“头风”,意为困难) as the protracted trade war with the U.S. continues to weigh on investor sentiment and outlook. The slowing growth of the domestic economy is not helping either.

Still, the total wealth of the 400 people on Forbes’ China Rich List this year rose to $1.29 trillion this year from $1.06 trillion in 2018, according to the magazine. That’s an increase of more than 20% compared to a year ago.

There were 60 newcomers this year — only those with a minimum net worth of $1 billion each could make the list.

Number 2 on this year’s list was Pony Ma Huateng(目前流行的另一种针对中国人姓名的表达方式,即英文名+姓+名) of Tencent Holdings. The Chinese business magnate, who’s CEO and co- founder of the tech conglomerate, saw his net worth reach $36 billion.

China’s third richest man is Hui Ka Yan, chairman of Evergrande Group — one of the largest real estate developers in China. Hui’s net worth is $27.7 billion.

In fact, more than half of those who made the list saw their wealth climb in 2019, and about a quarter saw their fortunes decline, Forbes said.

Here are the top 10 richest in China and their net worth, according to Forbes:

1) Jack Ma, founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba; $38.2 billion

2) Ma Huateng, CEO of tech giant Tencent; $36 billion

3) Hui Ka Yan, chairman of real estate developer Evergrande chairman $27.7 billion

4) Sun Piaoyang, chairman of pharmaceutical company Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine; $25.8 billion

5) Yang Huiyan, co-chairman of real estate developer Country Garden co-chairman; $23.9 billion

6) He Xiangjian, founder of home appliance-maker Midea Group; $23.2 billion

7) Colin Huang, CEO of e-commerce company Pinduoduo; $21.2 billion

8) William Ding, CEO of online and mobile games company NetEase; $17.2 billion

9) Qin Yinglin (and family), chairman of pig breeding and distribution firm Muyuan Foodstuff; $16.6 billion

10) Zhang Yiming, CEO of tech company ByteDance; $16.2 billion


1. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group, topped...
2. rising to $38.2 billion from $34.6 billion in 2018
3. weigh on: weigh on somebody/something: to make someone feel worried and upset
The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders.
4. magnate: a rich and powerful person in industry or business 多指实业界大亨,如steel/oil/shipping etc magnate
5. conglomerate: a large business organization consisting of several different companies that have joined together 指大规模的企业集团、财团,往往所控下级公司群形成较为独立的业务范围而非仅仅是几个子公司,如industrial/financial/media etc conglomerate
6. notably: formal in a way that is clearly different, important, or unusual SYN significantly
Notably absent from his statement was any hint of an apology.
7. savvy: someone who is savvy is clever and knows how to deal with situations successfully
8. rise, decline, climb等表达数字、状态变化的常用词汇,此外,还包括jump、surge、soar、plummet