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[Video]香港领导人林嘉欣(Carrie Lam)撤回引渡法案

Posted: September 6th, 2019, 3:45 am
by aRNoLD
Hong Kong Formally Withdraws Extradition Bill

Hong Kong’s embattled leader Carrie Lam speaks in a pre-recorded video about the decision to formally withdraw legislation to allow extraditions to China. She also discusses plans for an independent study of the government’s performance and reaffirms her commitment to reviewing police actions after months of unrest in the Asian financial hub.

Youtube link

The government will formally withdraw the bill in order to fully allay public concerns. The secretary for security will move a motion according to the rules of procedure when the Legislative Council resumes.

Second, we will fully support the work of the IPCC. In addition to the overseas experts I have appointed two new members to the IPCC, namely Mrs. Helen Yu and senior counsel Mr. Paul Lam. I pledge that the government will seriously follow up the recommendations made in the IPCC's report.

Third, from this month I and my principal officials will reach out to the community to start a direct dialogue. People from all walks of life with different stances and backgrounds are invited to share their views and air their grievances. We must find ways to address the discontent in society and to look for solutions.

Fourth, I will invite community leaders, professionals and academics to independently examine and review society's deep-seated problems and advice the government on finding solutions.

Extended reading

  1. allay: to make (something) less severe or strong
  2. move a motion: move: to officially make a proposal at a meeting
  3. resume: if an activity or process resumes, it starts again after a pause
  4. IPCC: The Independent Police Complaints Council
  5. namely: used when saying the names of the people or things you are referring to
  6. follow up: to do something in response to (something); to take appropriate action about (something)
  7. walk: all walks of life or every walk of life: used to refer to people who have many different jobs or positions in society
  8. stance: a publicly stated opinion
  9. deep-seated: existing for a long time and very difficult to change; firmly established