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Posted: May 31st, 2019, 4:41 am
by aRNoLD
有学生在德国大陆汽车系统(Continental AG)实习工作时遇到一个合同条款的翻译问题,发来邮件询问是否正确

For each calendar week (or less) delay in keeping to the aforementioned delivery date,supplier undertakes to pay purchaser……
中翻英 下面一段英文是我的上级发给我的她翻译的 不知道是否正确 还请老师看一下 谢谢老师!

In case of each commenced week (of) delay on delivery (based on the agreed delivery date), the supplier is obliged to pay to the purchasing party a contractual penalty...
句中,delay这个词比较复杂,既可用作动词,也可用作名词,如果用作动词则其被动形态delayed还可作为形容词后接delivery表示延迟了的交付意。此外,delay如果当名词来用,后通常接in,但也见一些接on的用法,如A Delay On Delivery

原始译文中用delay in keeping to这样的结构表达“在遵守前述交付日期(的问题上)出现延迟”的意思,突出了合同规定的交付期,是一种简洁的做法,aforementioned是一个专业的用词。

原始译文中还使用了understake,其含义在商业英语中通常指一方承诺所做的,或双方同意共同遵守的意思,用在此处表达供应商的责任和义务。新译法则更专业一些,使用了be obliged to这个短语,且其后增加了一个contractual来表达这是双方在合同中所订立的约定(因此所涉及到的罚款有较强的约束性)

delay in: 在某方面某事上的延迟,如a delay in warning the public
delay of: 通常后加延迟的时间,如a delay of two hours
delay本身可用作名词,亦可动词,因此两周时间的延迟可译为a two-week delay或a delay of two weeks
keep to (something): to do what you have promised or agreed to do
例如 Members of staff will promote standards of conduct and will try to keep to them.
undertake to do something: to promise or agree to do something
in case of vs. in the case of: 前一个相当于if,即在什么样的情形下,通常用于官方通告及正式的文件,而后者相当于鉴于with regard to,可译为基于、对于等等。参考Common Mistakes in Business English一文