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Posted: July 29th, 2018, 5:08 am
by aRNoLD
Jamie Carlton
July 24 at 5:22 PM ·
Unbelievable how far this has gone. Thank you all for the positive comments about these wonderful kids!!!

Update: Looks like this may be on 9news at 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM tonight. 7/25/18.

Update: The mother of two of the kids has contacted me. Two news stations have also been in contact. I forwarded their information on to the mother so she can contact them if she likes. What a nice lady, such great kids!!!

This happened last Wednesday, 7/18/18 at my house in Aurora Colorado. If this doesn’t renew or at least refresh your faith in humanity you need help. These kids are amazing, we would love to find them to reward them and thank them. Their parents should be so proud of them. Any help finding them would be great.
"Hi, we cannot answer the door right now, but the camera is recording, so please just leave us a message. Thanks for coming by."

"We found your wallet outside of your car, and we just thought we would give it back to you so … I don't know. I’m going to put it over here so no one takes any money."
"You're welcome. Thank you."


extended reading
Colorado kids caught on camera returning wallet with $700 cash inside: 'Gives you faith in humanity'