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[Video]What is a tariff? Your trade questions, answered

Posted: June 10th, 2018, 4:09 pm
by aRNoLD ... index.html

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This is what a trade war looks like?

What happens in a trade war?

Sometimes all it can take is one single tariff to start a trade war. When a government imposes a new tariff, other countries sometimes tend to raise their tariffs in retaliation that can lead to further tariffs, which can lead to further tariffs. And well, you get the idea. But let's just talk about one tariff, the chicken tariff. In the 1960s, the Europeans were being inundated with cheap American chickens. Demand for that cheaper chicken skyrocketed, and so Europe, in order to protect their chicken farms, placed a tariff on the American chickens.

One thing is certain though: trade wars bring unintended consequences. So it all started with European's humble chicken tariff, but then Americans responded with their tariffs on Dexedrine, brandy, and some trucks and cargo vans. While the chicken tariff eventually went away, and so did the retaliatory brandy and Dexedrine ones, the automobile ones stuck. They remain to this day, and they're credited with the rise of American car manufacturers dominance of the truck industry, but some critics say that the tariff supported dominance sheltered and protected American companies who haven't been forced to innovate. So it started with the chicken, ends up inadvertently affecting automobile engineering five decades later.

Another trade war reality, loopholes. Companies and countries can creatively avoid some tariffs. This is the Ford Transit Connect. Now Ford is the American company, but this van is made in Turkey, so it will be subject to cargo van tariff. But at least until a few years ago, Ford figured out that if they imported these vans with seats in the back, they could just call them passenger vans and pays a much smaller tariff. Once they made it stateside, they'd strip out the back seat, take out the window and sell it as a cargo van, and pay no chicken tax. US custom has since cracked down on Ford's van shenanigans, but with every new tariff comes opportunities to get around them. So what happens in a trade war? Just give it like fifty years.

tariff: 关税
retaliation: 报复
be inundated with/by something: 被充满、泛滥 We’ve been inundated with calls from angry listeners.
skyrocket: 飞涨、高升
dexedrine: 苯丙胺(药物)
cargo van: 厢式小货车
Ford transit Connect: 福特全顺中型客车
stateside: 在美国本土(制造)
cracked down on Ford's van shenanigans: 打击福特货车(避税)使用的小把戏