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Post by aRNoLD »

Donald J. Trump(唐国强)当年仅33岁,十足一枚小鱼羊肉,在1980年接受MSNBC电视专访谈及了他在地产开发方面的一些见解,从中可一窥这位未来总统的处理政事的风格。

视频地址: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzUyNTM3NDcxNg==.html

Trying to scrape up a down payment for a little fixer-upper in your neighborhood? Take a look at my next guest. There's a report around Wall Street Journal. This is what he has in mind. This is Donald Trump, 33 yrs old, and some people think that he wants to buy the World Trade Center, the 110 story Manhattan skyscraper that anyone can pick up if they've got the coins.

Donald Trump as I say is just 33 yrs old. He took his father's rather modest, by current standards, real estate empire in Brooklyn and expanded it considerably. He now has an apartment for sale in a new Trump building called the Trump Tower going up on 5th Avenue. There it is. You can buy this apartment, one floor of it, one whole floor of that building, that is $11m altogether.

You bought some prized properties at the bottom of the New York market in the 1970s. Inner cities have been pure gold since that time. Why? Because replacement cost has just gone up so much?

Well, no, not really. I had a great faith in New York primarily our purchases have been in New York, and about 5 yrs ago New York was not considered very hot and cities in general weren't considered too hot and we purchased the old Commodore hotel and we've reconverted that now into about $110m Grand Hyatt Hotel which is opening up next week in New York city and we've made some other purchases that have been fine.

Is that your general advice to people who are interested in real estate investment is that they'll look to the inner cities, look to old buildings and doing something with that?

Well I like the inner cities. I see the inner cities as being sort of a wave of the future now I think with the problems of fuel and the gasoline shortages, and everything else and the transportation esp in the major cities such as New York and Los Angeles and Chicago. I see the inner cities as being probably in terms of a real estate or in a real estate sense, probably the most viable investments.

But it's gonna be expensive apartments in New York City alone one-bedroom not big at all, $650 a month that's stuff of the workinig classes and...

That's actually now a very low price. In fact if you have any of them available I'd like to...

I know where I can sell if I wasn't over Mike that works actually that is a little price.

That's really a very low price now there I know a couple of buildings for instance, Olympic Tower which is on 51st Street and 5th Avenue apartments are being rented by the condominium owners for 5 and 6 thousand $ a month, and their one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments so it's when you say$600 even in other sections it's almost becoming a low price.

What happens to some of the old buildings in the inner cities that are works of art you were recently the object of a lot of controversy because you order to destroyed some sculptures on the building that you bought that the Metropolitan Art Museum one. Why did you have those destroyed first of all, and what happens to the look of the city?

Well, what we had is we purchased a site with an old department store and the old one would tell us to on 5th Avenue 57th Street next to Tiffany and we had to really take the building down and there were many people that didn't want us to take it down they wanted to preserve the building but the building really was not worth as an art building or an Art Deco building it really was not worth very much and we did take it down and there was somewhat of an outcry but I think that's generally subsided now and I think people like what we're doing and like the building we've putting in its place.

But couldn't you save just those sculptures that you had.

Well, it would have been very very dangerous to saved them. They weighted two tons. They were 15 feet high. They were about 2.5 feet thick, and if they would fallen, they could have fallen the opposite way. If they fall into the building you don't worry. If they fall out toward the 5th Avenue people could have been very badly hurt and killed, and it just to me it was not worth it and they've really proven not to be very valuable or structures right now, and we've had appraisals done. In fact even after the fact we've had appraisals done and they've turned out not to be very valuable.

Mr. Trump, what's left in your life, you're 33 yrs old you're worth all this money you say you didn't say that you want to be worth a billion.

No I really don't. I just want to keep busy and keep active and be interested in what I do and that's all there is to life as far as I'm concerned I really am not looking to make tremendous amounts of money. I am looking to enjoy my life and if that happens to go with it, that's fabulous.

Give me one final bottom line in 5 yrs the price of a hotel room in New York City will go for...

It could be $1,000 a night.

Phew, start saving your money, folks just one night a thousand dollars.

唐国强: 川普总统提出口号MAGA(让美国再次强大起来),故有人赠其中文名唐国强
scrape up: to succeed in getting enough of something, especially money, by making a lot of effort
They have trouble even scraping together their rent.
fixer–upper: [US, informal]a house, apartment, etc., that is in bad condition and needs to be repaired
prized: considered to be very important or valuable
inner city: an area near the centre of a large city where a lot of poverty and other social problems exist
Suburban life styles are very different from those in the inner city.
condominium: a building that contains several flats, each of which is owned by the people who live there (独立产权的公寓)

附赠对比视频 Donald and Melania Trump as newlyweds (2005 CNN Larry King Live full interview) - CNN 2016年5月6日发布的2005年5月17日川普夫妇接受CNN拉里·金现场专访完整版视频
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