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Posted: March 13th, 2018, 4:52 pm
by aRNoLD
China Tests Japanese and U.S. Patience

By Rodger Baker | Feb. 26, 2013

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has warned Beijing that Tokyo is losing patience with China's assertive maritime behavior in the East and South China seas, suggesting China consider the economic and military consequences of its actions. His warning followed similar statements from Washington that its patience with China is wearing thin, in this case over continued Chinese cyberespionage and the likelihood that Beijing is developing and testing cybersabotage and cyberwarfare capabilities. Together, the warnings are meant to signal to China that the thus-far relatively passive response to China's military actions may be nearing an end.

In an interview The Washington Post published just prior to Abe's meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington, Abe said China's actions around the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands and its overall increasing military assertiveness have already resulted in a major increase in funding for the Japan Self-Defense Forces and coast guard. He also reiterated the centrality of the Japan-U.S. alliance for Asian security and warned that China could lose Japanese and other foreign investment if it continued to use "coercion or intimidation" toward its neighbors along the East and South China seas.

source: ... s-patience

test: to show how strong, good, etc., someone or something is in a difficult situation 文中指中国分别通过海上、网络方面的军事动作尝试对日本和美国的底线做出测试
China's assertive maritime behavior: 指过去一段时间以来的中国海监、军舰等位于钓鱼岛一带的巡逻等行为
(patience)...wearing thin: 指(美)华府的底线在逐步的被接近,耐性被磨平,wearing在此处指磨损。