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Posted: July 18th, 2009, 2:48 am
by aRNoLD

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Wal-Mart needs industry support for green labels</span>
Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:12pm EDT
By Nicole Maestri - Analysis

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - In a few years, a shopper looking for a T-shirt at Wal-Mart might check its tag not only to see its size or price, but also its "green" label.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc announced on Thursday plans to roll out an index that will measure the social and environmental impact of its products -- everything from the energy used to make an item to the natural resources consumed. It wants to use the index to then create eco-labels.

"There will be information to share with that consumer about how much cotton was used, how many product miles were consumed to get that T-shirt into the store, and that will make a difference in terms of what products customers consider," Chief Merchandising Officer John Fleming said at an event announcing the index, which was broadcast over the Internet.

The retailer was adamant that it did not want to develop a "Wal-Mart" index. Instead, it said it wanted to create an index that could be used by retailers as an industry standard to judge a product's sustainability.

"This is not a Wal-Mart effort," said CEO Mike Duke. "Our desire is for this to be a global standard."

The initiative is ambitious. Wal-Mart, the biggest retailer by revenue, has the cash to launch the index. But experts said it must win support from rivals for the index to gain widespread acceptance and avoid burdening vendors with competing standards that would raise their cost of business.

"If this is going to be cost effective and meaningful, (suppliers) can't have a different standard for every retailer out there," said Peter Capozucca, consumer business leader of Deloitte's Enterprise Sustainability group.


Fleming said his vision for an eco-label may be not be seen for five to ten years.

"There are a lot of consumers that intellectually understand what we're doing, but they can't pay more or it's not enough for them to make a decision on a product," Fleming said. "But there's a generation that's coming up behind and they care deeply about this."

But creating consensus on what eco-labels should look like or measure will be a challenge.

Daniel Butler, vice president of retail operations at the National Retail Federation, said the trade group, of which Wal-Mart is not a member, has formed a consortium for retailers and vendors to share their experience in going green.

But retailers have vastly different needs and wants when it comes to selling green products.

"What might work for Wal-Mart or a Target may or may not work for a Macy's or a specialty store chain or a small independent retailer," he said.

The cost of complying with the index also looms large for manufacturers, who are being squeezed by a recession that has seen many of their customers shut their doors or slash orders.

Experts said that going green, like using less energy or smaller sized packages, can save a retailer or manufacturer money. But making green products, especially ones that use scarce resources, could produce a more expensive product.

There is also the question of what happens when there are not enough green materials to go around, said Andrew Winston, co-author of the book "Green to Gold."

"You could say you want everyone to source wood from certain kinds of sources, but there may not be enough supply of certain higher quality environmental products," he said.

Fleming said the push will result in more higher quality products at a lower cost.

But Winston said it is not yet clear how Wal-Mart or others will make the choice to stock green products if they cost more than similar ones that get a lower green rating.

"It's easy to say at the same quality and price we will choose the sustainable one," he said. "It's unclear, with all of the sustainability movement from Wal-Mart, and other big players on this field, what happens when there's trade-offs?" (Reporting by Nicole Maestri; Editing by Gary Hill)

source: <a href=' ... 17?sp=true' target='_blank'> ... sp=true</a>

Posted: August 4th, 2009, 5:49 am
by aRNoLD

Retail titan Wal-Mart launches 'sustainability index'
July 17, 2009


US retail giant Wal-Mart on Thursday announced plans to develop a database that it said would revolutionize shopping by putting information about products' sustainability at consumers' fingertips.

The database, dubbed the sustainability index, could put information about how environmentally-friendly suppliers, manufacturers and their products are, just a garment label or barcode-scan away for shoppers, according to Wal-Mart executives speaking at a webcast gathering of their suppliers.

The index would be put together in three phases, the first of which involves surveying Wal-Mart's 100,000-plus suppliers about how they operate, where a product is made and what goes into it.

That stage got under way Thursday, when the 15-point survey was sent out to some US manufacturers.

The questionnaire covers everything from a manufacturer's greenhouse gas emissions and location of factories, to water use and solid waste disposal.

The next step in compiling the index will be to create a consortium of universities that would work with suppliers, retailers, NGOs and governments to develop the database.

A technology company is being sought by Wal-Mart to create an open platform to power the index, Wal-Mart chief executive Mike Duke told the meeting at the retail giant's headquarters in Arkansas.

Wal-Mart pledged to put up funds to get the index off the ground but Duke stressed that the database is not intended to benefit only the retail titan.

"It is not our goal to create or own this index. We want to spur the development of a common database that will allow the consortium to collect and analyze the knowledge of the global supply chain," Duke said.

The third and final phase would see the index up and running, and consumers accessing and benefiting from it.

John Fleming, chief merchandising officer for Wal-Mart, outlined how the index might work, while stressing that the end product was several years down the line.

Consumers might point their multi-application handheld devices at a product while shopping online or in-store to get information about the product.

With a T-shirt, they might see the field where the cotton came from, probably with a picture of the farmer, Fleming said.

"There would be information about how much cotton was used, how many 'product miles' were consumed to get that T-shirt into the store.

"That will make a difference in terms of what products customers consider," especially with future generations of consumers who care deeply about the environment and sustainability, he said.

source: <a href=' ... eID=467738' target='_blank'> ... =467738</a>

see also:
<a href=' ... entwalmart' target='_blank'> ... walmart</a>
<a href=' ... gYgnHrq1Lg' target='_blank'> ... nHrq1Lg</a>