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[Grammar]有关regard as及but for等问题

Posted: July 6th, 2009, 2:58 pm
by fangzeng
问题一:but that 和 but for 表示“要不是....的话”,区别是前者跟从句,后者跟名词或名词性短语,老师,这样分析对吗?
问题二:To my surprise the door was unlocked .可以改写成The door to my surprise was unlocked .吗
问题三:The ship was regard as unsinkable .为什么regard as 后面还能接形容词?

Posted: July 7th, 2009, 2:43 am
by aRNoLD

字典上的解释, but for 是介词(preposition),相当于were it not for;but that 相当于that,字典中的解释是其用于否定后
THAT ― used after a negative <there is no doubt but that it must be done>

可以,但to my surprise的前后要加逗号,即
The door, to my surprise, was unlocked.

was regarded as (你原句中错掉了,不是regard)相当于 was considered ...或was supposed to be...,后者容易理解其后可接形容词。
We regard your action as a crime/as criminal. 我们认为你这种行为是犯罪行为.
Paul seemed to regard sex as sinful and immoral.
Edith was widely regarded as (=considered by many people to be) eccentric.

Posted: July 7th, 2009, 2:50 pm
by fangzeng
关于but for 和but that 的例句:
Jane , a good friend of mine ,would have helped us but that he was short of money at that time .
But for that rain , we should have had a pleasant jouney.
问题一:but that 和 but for 表示“要不是....的话”,区别是前者跟句子,后者跟名词或名词性短语,不能跟句子,老师,这样分析对吗?

Posted: July 8th, 2009, 12:33 am
by aRNoLD
but that这个一般是翻译成“若非”,也就是你说的“要不是……的话”,这个组合接真实情况,也就是说不用虚拟式,主句(即“好友简本来会帮助我们”)要用虚拟式。


But that I saw it, I could not have believed it. 要不是我亲眼所见,我决不会相信。
But that you helped us, we could not have been rich. 要不是你的帮助,我们不会富裕起来。

The purse is empty but for a few coins. 除了几枚硬币外,钱包里空空的。
She could have remarried but for her little daughter. 为了女儿她才没有结婚。

Posted: July 9th, 2009, 10:11 am
by fangzeng
:) 谢谢老师,明白了