Some background knowledge on Family

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Post by aRNoLD »

nuclear family
    一般认为家庭是基于婚姻关系、血缘关系和收养关系而形成的社会共同体。但是在实际的研究中,通常是用家庭户(family household)的概念来替代家庭(family)。
    联合国委托国际人口学联盟编写的《人口学词典》[注]认为:“户(household)是一社会经济单位,它由生活在一起的个人组成。户在统计上的定义是多种多样的。按照国际通用标准的定义,户是由共同享有住宅和主要膳食的一群个人组成的。”“当个人户的各个成员是亲属时,则叫作家庭户(family househdd)。”“家庭(family)是与户不同的另一种概念和单位,必须把家庭同户区分。家庭主要是根据因结婚、生育或领养而形成或产生的关系所确定的。这些关系都由法律和风俗习惯加以规定。其基本关系是通过婚姻而形成的夫妇关系,以及存在于双亲(Parents),即父亲(father)和母亲(mother)及其子女(children),即儿子(sons)和女儿(daughters)之间的关系。”“双亲及其子女,有时叫作生物学家庭(biological family)或核心家庭(nuclear family)。扩大家庭(extended family)是更大的家庭单位,通常由数个核心家庭合成。”“把家庭(family)用作人口研究中的一个单位来表示一个户的全体或部分时,需要给以专门的定义,目的不同,定义也会有所不同。一个统计家庭(statistical family)或普查家庭(census family)通常包含户当中由血缘、领养或婚姻而构成亲属关系的所有成员。一户可以是一个家庭,也可以不是一个家庭。一个统计家庭不能包含一个以上的户,而一个户却可以包含一个以上的家庭。在某些国家中,统计家庭的定义近似于生物学家庭;而在另一些国家中,其定义则可能以家庭核心(family nucleus)为基础。所谓家庭核心可以包括一对无子女的夫妇,或一对夫妇和一个或多个未婚子女,或父母一方和一个或多个未婚子女。这些人既可构成普查家庭,也可构成这样一个家庭的核心。”
The traditional American family is a "nuclear family." A nuclear family refers to a husband and wife and their children. The average American family today has two or three children (and maybe a few pets). In some cultures, people live close to their extended family. Several generations may even live together. In America, only in a few cases does more than one household live under one roof.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A nuclear family is a household consisting of two parents and their legal children (siblings), as distinct from the extended family. Whilst the family is a near-universal cultural phenomenon, nuclear families do not form the family unit in every society. Nuclear families are typical in societies where people must be relatively mobile -- such as hunter-gatherers and industrial societies.
extended family
Non-scholars, especially in the United States and Europe, also use the term extended family. This term has two distinct meanings. First, it is used synonymously with consanguinal family. Second, in societies dominated by the conjugal family, it is used to refer to kindred (an egocentric network of relatives that extends beyond the domestic group) who do not belong to the conjugal family.
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