Trump gives thumbs up on Post’s push for lifesaving COVID vaccine

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Trump gives thumbs up on Post’s push for lifesaving COVID vaccine

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Trump gives thumbs up on Post’s push for lifesaving COVID vaccine
By Michael GoodwinApril 22, 2021 | 8:22pm | Updated

The Post’s push to get New Yorkers to roll up their sleeves(卷起袖子) and get vaccinated against the coronavirus is drawing a big thumbs-up from Donald Trump(获得了唐纳德・川普的赞誉). The former president is on board with(与……在一起、共同) the campaign to get more people immunized so the city can get up(从……中恢复) and running at full speed(全速运营).

“I’m all in favor of the vaccine,” Trump said Thursday. “It’s one of the great achievements, a true miracle, and not only for the United States. We’re saving tens of millions of lives throughout the world. We’re saving entire countries.”

Speaking by telephone to Post columnist Michael Goodwin, Trump said he got his first shot(注射针剂) before leaving the White House in January, and his second in Florida, where he now lives. Former First Lady Melania Trump also has been vaccinated, and neither had any adverse reactions(不良的、负面的反应).

“Not even a bit of arm soreness(打针后的酸胀疼痛),” he said. “It’s pretty amazing stuff.”

Trump remains understandably proud of Operation Warp Speed, the program he commanded that dramatically reduced the time for vaccine research, development and human trials(疫苗上市前的人体试验). No previous vaccine had come to market in fewer than five years, while this one went from start to finish in about nine months. The first doses(第一批疫苗、针剂) were shipped to the states in the middle of December.

Trump and his successor, Joe Biden, don’t agree on much else(川普与拜登在很多其它问题上不一致), but both believe this vaccine saves lives.

“If we didn’t have a vaccine, it would have been just like the 1918 Spanish flu(1918年的西班牙大流感),” Trump said of the pandemic(流行病、瘟疫) that took as many 100 million lives around the world.

Globally, some 141 million people have contracted(感染) COVID-19, with more than 3 million deaths.

Nearly 570,000 of the fatalities have been in the United States.

“The vaccine is a great thing and people should take advantage of it(从注射疫苗中获益,即受到保护)” Trump said, before quickly adding that(接着很快又说道) “nobody should be forced, we have our freedoms(不应当强迫人们接种疫苗,因我们的人民应当有自由选择权). But I strongly recommend it because it’s a real lifesaver.”


death - fatality
vaccine - dose - shot - get vaccinated - get immunized
throughout the world - around the world - globally
went from start to finish - achieve - complete
in favor of - thumb up
amazing (stuff) - great thing - miracle
agree on - believe
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