[Video]Pompeo officially declares Hong Kong ‘no longer autonomous’

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[Video]Pompeo officially declares Hong Kong ‘no longer autonomous’

Post by aRNoLD »

Mr. Secretary Mike Pompeo is declaring HK is no long autonomous. This is why HK police is taking a zero torlerence approach to new protests on the streets.

Here to break that down to what it means.

Susan Li from Fox Business network, joining us with the details. Good morning, Susan.

We just heard Secretary Mike Pompeo in his assessment about whether or not HK is being left independent from Beijing, and let's bring up the quotes because this is important part because this means they can enact sanctions now as part of the HK Democracy and Human Rights Act that was signed into law last year by Pres. Trump, so you heard Mike Pompeo saying that after careful study over the reporting period I certify to the congress that HK does not continue to warrant treatment under US laws in the same manner.

Now meantime on the streets of HK Wed we saw these running street battles kick off and erupt once again between protesters and police. Hours of chaos with fires being lit on down-town streets and the protesting (of) China's on-going encroachment on HK's autonomy. Over three hundred are arrested. (On) Wed thousands again turning out to protest a new national security law which will allow Beijing to impose new security measures without HK's input and then installing Chinese military personnel on the streets to enforce it. Remember that HK was promised fifty years of automony after the 1997 hand-over.

Now here in the US we heard politicians from across both aisles, both sides of aisles really pushing for the white house to reswine. We heard Secretary Pompeo and Pres. Trump did say yesterday that he would have something to say about this, whether or not in the formal sanctions on individuals or corporate entities, I think it remains to be seen. As I mentioned to you we have HK Human Rights and Democracy Act that was signed into law last year.

Let's show you what China is saying because Global Times which is part of the global propaganda arm of CCP tweeting this if Washington rashly takes actions over HongKong, it could accelerate US decoupling with the rest of the world, impair the vast interests of US companies in the city, and thus generate negative impacts for President Trump's relection efforts. Now as for HK's status as the financial center for the Asian-Pacific a lot of investors say that's fast eroding. Back to you.

Well could have that impact on the market we'll see China's claiming if it has the impact on the election.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rCSYX6Q_qw

1. warrent: to need or deserve
This tiny crowd does not warrant such a large police presence.
2. protesting: to state very firmly that something is true, when other people do not believe you
3. aisles: In the United States, the two major political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are often referred to as "the two sides of the aisle."

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