[Video]Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy: Siege

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[Video]Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy: Siege

Post by aRNoLD »


Cybertron is in ruins.

The fear was lost.

Optimus, at this moment, we must focus on surviving as a race, not winning the war.

Yet again, the Autobots have escalated the conflict to the point we must answer their aggression with force. I empower you, Decepticons to bring this painful chapter of our history to a close.

We have been seeing extinction at the hands of the Decepticons.

Cybertron needs strength, my strength.

Cybertron needs freedom. We must not allow Megatron to find the AllSpark. With it he'll destroy everything. We are...

You are fighting to win, and that's gonna get you all killed.

The Autobots fight for the day you no longer have to fight.

This is not the life I imagine for us.

It's the life worth fighting for.

  1. Cybertron: 赛伯坦星球,变形金刚故乡
  2. Optimus: 擎天柱,博派汽车人第一代领袖
  3. Autobot: 汽车人,博派变形金刚
  4. Megatron: 威震天,狂派霸天虎第一代领袖
  5. Decepticon: 狂派霸天虎变形金刚
  6. AllSpark: 变形金刚的能量块(美国孩之宝的动画版1980年代在中国大陆上映时官译为能量块,目前百度百科译法是火种源)
  7. in ruins: if a building is in ruins, it has fallen down or been badly damaged.
  8. escalate to: if fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse
  9. to a close: ending, finished
  10. at the hands of (sb): caused or done by a particular person, used about sth. bad or unpleasant that someone does.
  11. gonna: going to
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