[Video]Police Officer Pulls Over 3-Year-Old Speeding In Toy Convertible

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[Video]Police Officer Pulls Over 3-Year-Old Speeding In Toy Convertible

Post by aRNoLD »

Police Officer Pulls Over 3-Year-Old Speeding In Toy Convertible

"Have a big night, man"

Not so fast, little one. This officer wasn't letting three-year-old Nathan off the hook(脱身) this time. The toddler was caught speeding down the street in a toy Jeep with his puppy in the backseat. The boy was even given a ticket. It's not the first time kids have gotten in trouble on the open road.

This two-year-old was caught driving recklessly after being late for a nail appointment(做美甲). Good thing the only open container in her Mini Cooper was a Capri Sun(果倍爽儿童饮料).

And what about this brother and sister duo-riding(同乘) in a jeep who got pulled over by their own dad?
"You guys know why I pulled you over today?"
"Why are you bunch of wise guys, winch your buckled up?"
"Mind your business."
"Please, I'll see your driver's license."
"He has no backup. Floor it."

And she may be only eight months old but that didn't stop cops from writing her off as well.
I think they're being too cute.
So many tickets. When will they ever learn?

For Inside Edition.com, I'm ....

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_5TOzJ9bYw

  1. convertible: 敞蓬车 https://www.cars.com/research/convertible/
  2. big night: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/big-night
  3. off the hook: if a person or business is off the hook, they are allowed to get out of a difficult situation, especially one they might have been punished for
  4. pull over: to drive to the side of the road and stop your car, or to make someone else do this
  5. winch buckle: 卡扣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECn4zTl4x5s
  6. floor:
    (1) to surprise or shock someone so much that they do not know what to say or do
    (2) (American English informal) to make a car go as fast as possible
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