[Video]Alex Trebek announces he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer

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[Video]Alex Trebek announces he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer

Post by aRNoLD »

六个小时前,Jeopardy节目主持人Alex Trebek通过节目频道的Twitter账号宣布了自己的癌症诊断消息,CNN等主流媒体即刻跟进报道了此事件

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Alex Trebek announces he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer

By Sandra Gonzalez, CNN
Updated 7:21 PM ET, Wed March 6, 2019

(CNN)"Jeopardy" host Alex Trebek is hoping for a victory as he wages a battle against cancer.

The longtime game show host on Wednesday announced he's been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in a video posted to the show's official YouTube account.

"Now, normally, the prognosis for this is not very encouraging, but I'm going to fight this. And I'm going to keep working and with the love and support of my family and friends -- and with the help of your prayers also -- I plan to beat the low survival rate statistics for this disease," he said.

Pancreatic cancer, on average and across all stages, has a 5-year survival rate of 9%, according to the American Cancer Society.

Trebek, 78, has hosted "Jeopardy" since 1984, when the show began airing daily in syndication.

Sony Pictures Television chairman Mike Hopkins said in a statement Wednesday, "If anyone can beat this it's Alex. He has our full support as he tackles this challenge head-on."

Trebek is known for his quick wit and sense of humor, which was on display in his announcement, despite the somber message at its center.

"Truth told, I have to [keep hosting] because under the terms of my contract, I have to host 'Jeopardy' for three more years," he joked. "So help me. Keep the faith, and we'll win. We'll get it done."

Upon news of his diagnosis, former "Jeopardy" champions, celebrity fans and even fellow game show hosts have expressed support for Trebek.

"The Sajak family is deeply saddened to hear of Alex Trebek's struggle with cancer," "Wheel of Fortune" host Pat Sajak wrote on Twitter. "Our hearts go out to him and his family. But there is no one I know who is stronger and more determined, and I would never bet against him. We, and the entire country, are pulling for you, Alex."

wages a battle against: 展开与癌症的斗争
stage 4 pancreatic cancer: (诊断为)第四期的胰腺癌(第四期意味着晚期,无法治疗挽救生命)
not very encouraging: (这消息)并不令人欣慰,意指这是一条坏消息
beat the low survival rate statistics: 击败低生存统计比率,意为四期胰腺癌患者的总体生存率极低(5年期的存活率不到10%),Trebek也不可避免的会在短期内死亡,但他表达了顽强抗争活下去成为那10%的患者的愿望
tackles this challenge head-on: head-on是硬着头皮的意思,此句意为迎头面对(病魔)
We'll get it done: 我们一定能够做到,get it done意指完成、做成
We, and the entire country, are pulling for you: pull for somebody非正式用法,意指鼓励某人某团队去取胜,例:The crowd were pulling for me to do well.

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