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Post by aRNoLD »

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Private sale of ICBC shares to dampen market impact</span>
source : <a href='http://www.reuters.com/article/china/id ... F420090423' target='_blank'>http://www.reuters.com/article/china/id ... 0090423</a>
Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:58am EDT
By Tony Munroe and Parvathy Ullatil

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Investors are bracing for the sale of up to &#036;4 billion worth of shares in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China when lockups on strategic investors lapse next week, but a deal is expected to be less disruptive than previous such sales at rival banks.

Goldman Sachs, Allianz and American Express can trade part of their stakes in ICBC, the world's most valuable bank, starting Tuesday.

All three have said they would prefer to sell the shares through private placement, and many in the market expect the shares to be sold in a negotiated transaction to investors including mainland Chinese corporate buyers.

A private sale would placate officials in China.

Beijing was miffed when Royal Bank of Scotland and Bank of America dumped shares in Bank of China and China Construction Bank, respectively, when lockups expired earlier this year.

"It all comes down to politics," said one dealmaker, who was not authorized to talk media on the record.

Goldman Sachs has already taken steps to appease Chinese officials unhappy with the hasty exits of battered western banks from supposedly strategic stakes in mainland lenders.

While Goldman was originally free to sell half its 4.93 percent stake this month and the rest in October, last month it pledged to keep 80 percent of that stake until April 2010.

The bank also said at the time that it was in no rush to sell the 20 percent stake. It declined to comment on Thursday, as did Allianz, while American Express could not immediately be reached.

Improved liquidity in the Hong Kong market in recent weeks should help smooth the sale of a big chunk of ICBC stock. Daily turnover in Hong Kong jumped to more than HK&#036;70 billion last week, compared with less than HK&#036;45 billion in the first quarter.

"The recent rally in ICBC shares may give Goldman and others enough incentive to cash out but as long as there are enough buyers, it won't upset the market too much," said Peter Pak, vice president at BOCI Research.

Some of Goldman's stake is held by investment funds that it manages, and some watchers said it is possible the entire 20 percent of its stake will not be sold.

Allianz and American Express are seen as keen to offload their shares.

"Goldman is not the major worry, it's the other two that are most likely to sell," said Patrick Shum, chief portfolio strategist with Karl Thomson Securities.

He said a private sale at a discount could still hurt the price of ICBC shares, which have rallied 46 percent from an early March low.

"Even if the shares are sold off-market, if the transaction price is below the market price it will put a good deal of pressure on ICBC shares," Shum said.

bracing for


有交易者认为这最终还是政治问题而非商业问题,但此人并不愿意公开谈论及此(not authorized to talk media on the record 指未被授权将讲话公开发布)。

报导的余下部分则主要在为战略投资者的抛售行为做解释,即香港市场的整体状况正在改善(improved liquidity and daily turnover),但笔锋后却耗数段文字描述了高盛的顾全大局(pledged to keep...until April 2010 while it was originally free to sell, in no rush to sell, entire 20 percent will not be sold, not the major worry),并将之与另两家投资者进行对比(Allianz和美国运通正keen to offload their shares,注意其中的keen和offload所表达出来的含义),并借高信证券的一名战略分析师之口对抛售做出了预测,称即便以折价交易(a private sale at a discount could still hurt the price of ICBC)甚至是离岸低价出手(sold off-market and transaction price is blow the market price),都会对ICBC的股价产生不良影响。

通过对关键词Karl Thomson Securities(高信证券)搜索,发现其隶属于高信集团控股有限公司(http://www.ktg.com.hk/chi/index.jsp),主要业务除资产管理以外,还与美国高盛一样涉足石油业务。再联想高盛在金融危机之前对石油的操纵和其政府背景,可能容易猜想到此报导背后的意图。

ref link
<a href='http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2009- ... 069517.htm' target='_blank'>新华网、广州日报3月底新闻:传高盛考虑出售工行H股 安联和运通也在考虑售股</a>
<a href='http://chinese.wsj.com/gb/20090326/bch081609.asp' target='_blank'>高盛同意延长所持工行股份锁定期</a>
<a href='http://chinese.wsj.com/gb/20090324/bch071613.asp' target='_blank'>高盛可能出售所持部分工行股权</a>
<a href='http://www.china-cbn.com/s/n/000002/200 ... 3897.shtml' target='_blank'>第一财经:安联和运通通过私募配售方式转让工行股份</a>
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