Microsoft Says Office 2007 SP2 Coming this Month

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Microsoft Says Office 2007 SP2 Coming this Month

Post by aRNoLD »

SP2 will add save to PDF and ODF support along with other fixes
Office 2007的二号补丁包将增加另存为PDF和ODF格式的功能,并完善了其它方面的功能。此文选自海外技术信息类新闻网站,文章用词正式、客观,较少带有个人评论性观点,可将之视作新闻体裁类学习。

Microsoft is the biggest software company in the world and it makes the lion's share of its profits from its Windows operating systems and from its Office productivity suite.

Microsoft has announced that Service Pack 2 for Office 2007 will be released this month. The update will be offered to users via the Windows update tool and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) for corporate users.

The first mention of SP2 for Office 2007 was made back in October 2008 reports WindowsITPro and will add some notable improvements to the popular productivity suite. Among the improvements will be support for the open-source Open Document Format (ODF) and native save to PDF functionality. The ODF format was reportedly added to meet the needs of governments and other agencies that use Office.

The WSUS team posted a blog with a little information on Office 2007 SP2:

Service Pack 2 for the 2007 Office System will be made available in April. Service Pack 2 includes some significant work, including: built-in ability to save as ODF and PDF formats, improvements to Outlook's performance and calendar reliability, significant bug fixes for charts in core Office applications, the ability for client service packs to be removed using an uninstall tool, and a host of customer-requested improvements to the Office Server products. It is also a rollup of all fixes that have previously been released for Office 2007 products.

Microsoft plans to launch its next generation operating system, Windows 7, this year and the next generation of Office will be launched in 2010. The next version of Office is tentatively called "Office 14".

lion's share



尽管此项发布令人瞩目,但在其官方团队的博客上却未公布更多详情(a little information),只说道其内建ODF和PDF支持、Outlook性能和日历可靠性提升、核心应用程序中图表功能的修缮、服务包的卸载工具以及应用户要求增加的一批服务端产品。该补丁包将是一份累积更新(rollup of all fixes,意味着其中包含了之前发布的所有更新,用户可从其第一版直接升级到Office 2007 SP2)

暂时的,非最终确定的。微软计划在年内发布视窗7,下一个版本的办公套件不会同步推出,而被安排在2010年上市(launch),(因此)目前暂定名为Office 14。
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